Alerts and Notifications: Stay Updated and Efficient

Receive timely updates and alerts to streamline your claims management process and enhance operational efficiency.

Balanced Distribution & Proactive Management

Adjuster Workload Notifications

Ensure an even distribution of cases among adjusters to optimize workload and efficiency and receive alerts when an adjuster’s workload is high, allowing for timely reallocation of tasks.

Upcoming deadlines & Overdue claims

Claims Due Alerts

Get notifications for claims that are approaching their due date, ensuring timely processing and receive alerts for overdue claims, helping to prevent delays and maintain workflow momentum.

Scheduled Reviews & Quality Assurance

Open File Review Reminders

Be notified of upcoming open file reviews to ensure thorough and timely evaluations and maintain high standards of accuracy and compliance through regular and prompted file reviews.

Features for enhanced productivity


Stay informed of key events and deadlines within the claims management process.


Utilize alerts to manage and prioritize tasks effectively, preventing bottlenecks.

Enhanced Compliance

Ensure compliance with company standards and regulatory requirements through timely notifications.

Get started with FileTrac Evolve

Simplify claims.
Maximize efficiency.
Experience Evolve.

Get Started

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intuitive solutions